5.3.1 Automatic Data Backup

The time interval for backing up the document is specified under Extras - Settings - Automatic file saving

VCmaster also copies the files with the name "_SaveFile*.* " into BAK files (double data backup). These are automatically deleted after 72 hours. 

The file name contains the time of the backup. If the backup copy is required, the BAK file must be renamed to a HED file or opened with the Open automatic backups function mentioned below. All backup files are located in the Application Data directory under "Christoph_GmbH (see on the right). They are called "_SaveFile*.* ". 


Extras-Settings-Automatic file saving

Opening back-ups

Data backups can be opened at any time under Extras
If VCmaster has not been exited correctly, the program starts this dialog automatically. 

Example: Backup of file "Document1.hed". 


Extras-Open Automatic Backups

5.3.2 Backing up Processing States

Editing states can be backed up and restored with details of explanatory information. 

VCmaster backs up and compresses the current file including all associated Hybrid objects in a file with the extension "VCzip". An editing state can be restored at any time (see figure).


File-Processing Status-Save


File-Processing Status-Restore

5.3.3 Comparing Processing States

VCcompare analyses differing processing states and PDF-files and highlights their dissimilarities (image).
VCcompare allows for two files to be selected for comparing. The command Compare starts the process. This might take a while as comprehensive data has to be processed.

Comparison is based on content structure (heading levels) and page content (text). All differences are clearly highlighted.

The dialogue gives you the option of jumping to the next or previous page or modification.

Note: In order for VCcompare to work properly a processing state has to be saved selecting the option Complete as PDF (s. 5.3.2). PDF-files to be compared have to be created using the same printer and page settings in order to achieve reasonable results.


Extra Button on Windows Desktop