With the consequent focus of VCmaster as a tool for digital structural analysis, managing edited or extended pages became more and more important. Resulting in expanding functionality for page numbering.

The following options are available:

Inserted pages: These pages are given separate numbering in addition to the existing number. For example, if three pages are added after page 16, these are given the page numbers 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3.

Modified pages: If pages are modified, they can be provided with an index. For example, if pages 12-15 are modified, the page numbers will be 12a to 15a. Any upper/lower case letter can be specified as the index.

Place holder for pages: Any pages, such as the outputs of other programs, can be integrated in the document later on. The number of pages to be inserted later is specified by the user. These are skipped when numbering the pages. The table of contents also takes them into account. A heading can even be specified for the pages to be added, e.g. "Electronic calculation with FE program". Example: If ten pages of another program are to be included after page 23, the 24th page is given page number 34 on the printout, etc. If a PDF file is specified, it is automatically embedded in the PDF export, even if the page format is different.

Chapters: Chapters can begin with a new page number. A chapter ID can be prefixed to the page number.

Inserted and modified pages each require a start and end mark. For transparent assignment, it is useful to insert a fixed page break after the start and end mark or to set the marks before the corresponding breaks. The input is similar for modified pages.

The function Keep has the effect of retaining previous data with every new input. This allows for nesting of functions. For example, an inserted page can be given the index of a modification (e.g. 12.5a). 

By using a placeholder the user specifies the number of pages to be inserted later on. These are skipped when numbering the pages. The table of contents also takes them into account. A heading can even be specified for the pages to be added, e.g. "Electronic calculation with FE program". Example: If ten pages of another program are to be included after page 23, the 24th page is given the page number 34 on the printout, etc.

The table of contents includes all information, with the option of printing supplements separately (see File - Print)
All details can be modified via the context menu (right mouse key).

Edit a section change

All details can be changed with the context menu (right mouse key). The section change can be copied and deleted in the context menu.

Display of all section changes
All fields can be displayed for checking the section and index function. The Extras - Displays - Show all sections and indices function is available for this.
Note: The display remains active until there is a change to the document.

