Texts and calculations are inserted in the document using the Template Explorer.

Self-made templates can be created or completed via File-Template manager. Either the complete file or only parts of a project can be stored as a template.

The template directory is defined during the installation and can only be modified by re-installing the software. For allowing several users access to the template directory it is advised to store the files on the network.

Preferred files can be compiled in a Favorite-Folder. Selected files may be arranged in a freely configurable tree structure via Drag&Drop. All files created are merely links, meaning that modifications or corrections only have to be applied to the original template.
Note: Favorites are transferred to other PCs via Extras-Settings-Export Settings resp. Import Settings.

Important: All files in the templates library start with "_" . If necessary, use a different name for your own or modified templates. This way you can differentiate these from the standard templates and also be careful that changes are not overwritten during a re-installation. 

Note: You may refer to a video tutorial showing the use of the Template Explorer. It can be found either on our website or our Youtube-Channel.






Insert-Template Explorer